Thursday, February 11, 2010


Collective Meeting

February 11, 2010

Discussing “like minded” artists, connections between works.
- Art being “cultural criticism” no postmodernism. Who participates… ? no one even knows that its criticism because they don’t pay attention.
- Creating a new movement that is not postmodernism
- Talked about Lydia’s rambles
YOU CANT ARGUE MOOT POINTS (examples where given…)
- We put too much faith in the ideal of photographs
- We cant define photos anymore than we can define art
Image to reality comparison, if its in a photo it happened, if its in a drawing its fake…
- NOTHING IS REAL, everyone filters differently
- The context influences the reality of something, if its digital its fake ex.
- People say you cant trust a photograph, but you really cant trust the photographer
- You look at photographs to fill the gap of what you cant explain but we cant explain reality?
Ben doesn’t understand what’s going on… I don’t either…

We decided to discuss issues about photography so we can research deeper
- We shouldn’t praise “great” artists if we don’t agree with them.
- We need to tell everyone our ideas, TELL MINOR WHITE.
- What?

- Maybe we should start a monthly art magazine?
- Work towards it?
- Ben is totally into it.
- Gallery fix ups?
- Painting having a show in the block space?
- Outside of school SHOW.


“Doing the littlest thing is better than doing nothing.”

--- The people who are here lets have a show
The end

Lydia, Ben, Austin, Cory, Brandon, Jason

Don’t try and make things match because you can change your self to be what some one else wants. Do your own thing. Being a “technician.” Learning how to light things in a machine like fashion.
The zine doesn’t have to be all photo based, artists in other medias could be involved. And writings can play a large part in assisting our work.

Content for zine?: local artists, photography based? But not really… Austin rant column. PLEASE. Local news, expanding things from facebook,

The publication should come out as the same time as the show, because you will be able to use the mag. as a catalog of images and writing featured by the artists of the show. The first addition maybe writings of WHAT THE COLLECTIVE should be, and if it’s suitable maybe those ideas could be published.

Add in student show dates


1. lets have a show
2. hey about a zine?
3. Lets fund-raise!

NEXT MEETING DATE Thursday feb. 18th 7pm library


- Physical prints of work several
- Write what the collective should be
- Find price options for printing
- Ideas for fund raising
o Cici’s pizza? Pizza Street
o Selling work? Prints?
o Lemonade and Photo-stand at crossroads
o Jason Dj at shows